5 Simple Ways to Unplug 

By Rian Jackson

Odds are you cannot live without your phone. Our phones frequently stay top of mind throughout the day, with many people feverishly checking their devices from sunrise to sunset. It’s no secret that our phones and social media were designed to be addicting. With notification sounds that are painfully difficult to ignore, platforms like Instagram that highlight all your favorite things in one spot, and demanding work environments that make checking emails all day the status quo, we’re easily glued to our phones.

And believe it or not — an overload of screen time does have the ability to affect your health. Too much phone use can cause a range of issues like obesity, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and more. Not only is the blue light from our devices said to be harmful to our eyes, but it can also interfere with our circadian rhythm, our body’s sleep-wake cycle. Likewise, are using our devices, we are more likely to be sitting or laying down, leaving less time for activity, which can play a role in our heart health and weight. What’s more, screen time has been linked to rising levels of depression and anxiety. Quick access to our phones potentially means less time for mental breaks, damaging our psyches.

With National Day of Unplugging on March 3, it’s the perfect time to reflect on your screen time and how you might reduce it in the long term. It may seem daunting to unplug from the world, work, your family, and friends, but in the long run, you’ll find the quality time with yourself and your thoughts to be worthwhile. Here are a few of our best tips for unplugging that you can implement today and all month and year long! For even more information, be sure to join us in unplugging all weekend! Sign up here to receive our unplugging toolkit and find out how you can take a step back from the blue light. 


It’s always good to get some exercise! Whether it’s going for a walk or run or attending one of your favorite in-person exercise classes, working out is a great way to get away from your phone for a while. If you’re using your device for music, we recommend creating and downloading a special exercise playlist so you can keep it stored away while you exercise. 

Even sweeter, if you’re one to check your work email at all hours of the day, setting some time aside to work out is a great way to unplug from work, unwind and rejuvenate your mind so you can return feeling refreshed. You may even opt to fit a quick workout in during your lunch break to negate that mid-day tired feeling.

Spend Some Time Outdoors or Explore

Take some time to spoil yourself with a self-care adventure filled with your favorite stops. If you’re feeling a bit sportier, go for a brisk walk or an adventurous hike. Use key unplugging assets on your phone like “Do Not Disturb” or the “Focus” feature to minimize any device distractions. Not only will you be taking a break from your devices, but you’ll also have time to enjoy the fresh air and get more in tune with nature and your surroundings! 

You can get a similar effect by simply taking a trip to your favorite store, restaurant, or coffee shop as well. Whether you’re in the mood for a bit of shopping or grabbing your favorite latte, embrace your alone time and treat yourself to an activity outside of your space that makes you happy.

Find a New Hobby

We all have something we’ve been wanting to dedicate more time to or something we’ve been wanting to try — so make it a priority to do it! Whether you’ve always wanted to take up painting or want to spruce up your gardening skills, find a new hobby you can enjoy without any devices. Spend this time alone or grab a few friends and get creative as you learn something new! 

Connect with Friends and Family In Real Life

If possible, spend quality time with your loved ones in person instead of over the phone or via social media. Grab lunch at a new spot with your best friends or meet at your parent’s house for dinner. If you and your partner typically spend your nights lounging around a movie, find a new activity that’ll allow you to enjoy each other’s company without any electronics. It’s always important to make memories with the people we love because those stick with us. 

If you and your circle find it challenging to stay off your devices when you’re with each other, try having someone collect everyone’s phones when you meet up. This could be a fun game to force you all to engage and interact with each other, removing any impulses to check phones. You may be surprised at how easy it is to enjoy uninterrupted quality time with the people you love.

Put Your Phone Down for An Hour Before Bed

It seems simple but can be tricky — stay off your devices before bed. If you’re one to watch a show before bed or scroll aimlessly through your social platforms until you get tired, putting your phone away an hour before bed may be a daunting task, but it's so rewarding! Consuming blue light before bed can negate your chances of having a healthy sleep cycle, and finding a new bedtime routine can be a fun and exciting experience! Try cozying into bed earlier, opening a good book, drawing, enjoying tea, or anything else that may help you to unwind. 

Likewise, it’s also a good idea to create a morning routine that doesn’t revolve around your phone. Instead of reaching for your device the second you open your eyes, try to be more mindful and intentional with how you spend your morning. Practice yoga, spend some time playing with your dog, have quality time with your partner, or develop a new skincare routine — the opportunities are endless! 

Although a daunting space at first glance, it becomes easier to stay away from your devices when you have other activities in mind that you enjoy. Figuring out how to keep off your phone is a great time to explore yourself and your interests because you’ll be sure to discover something new that makes you happy. Think of unplugging as a time to reconnect with yourself, not another obligation. This way, you’ll incorporate device-free activities into your routine because you love it, and you’ll look forward to these practices each day.

There’s still time to sign up and join the #NoteddUnpluggingTribe. Sign up for the toolkit here and start unplugging away! Share how you unplugged by completing the following form, and you’ll be entered for a chance to be featured on our social media channels!


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